Civil marriage celebrated at the Embassy between RANDRIANARIMANANA, Maminirina Joela and RAKOTONIAINA, Hyacinthia on July 26th 2021

The Embassy welcomed the celebration by Mrs. Le Chargé d’affaires a.i Rafaramalala ép. Ratsimba Florence Isabelle of civil marriages at the Embassy, attesting to the youthfulness of the Malagasy population, the dynamism and the strong tradition anchored in the foundation of a family.

The young couple marked their eternal commitment, by signing the civil register, with the witnesses, faithful to the Malagasy culture “toy ny lamban’ ankoho ka faty no isarahana” (the marriage lasts a lifetime, like the feathers of a chicken, which only come off only when it dies).

 A reception was then held for guests and Embassy staff, reflecting the generosity, talent and the outstanding organizational skills of these young people.The whole process was completed by the “Tsodrano” (blessings/ words of best wishes) of the Chargée d’affaires a.i: “Mahareta amim-pitiavana hatramin’ ny farany”. Free translation: “Long live and full of love to the family that has just been founded”.