RAHARISON Mahandry Ny Aina and ANDRIAMAHERY Vahatriniaina Thatiana said « YES »
On March 26th, 2021, the Embassy sealed the commitment “beyond death” of: RAKOTOMALALA Tojo Heritiana and Rakotomanga Ny Ony Sandratra Colombe
On March 26th, 2021, the Embassy sealed the commitment “beyond death” of: RAKOTOMALALA Tojo Heritiana and Rakotomanga Ny Ony Sandratra Colombe
The Embassy welcomed the celebration by Mrs. Le Chargé d’affaires a.i Rafaramalala ép. Ratsimba Florence Isabelle of civil marriages at the Embassy, attesting to the youthfulness of the Malagasy population, the dynamism and the strong tradition anchored in the foundation of a family.
The Embassy welcomes the celebration of the second civil marriage of the year on 26 February 2021. The young couple David Stéphan FAUVIN RANJALAHIMBOLAMANANA and Tiavintsoa ANDRIAMIARINARIVO “YES” in front of the civil registry Official.